May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Throughout the month, we will be highlighting both school and community-based teams that provide support to our students and their families. Also, on May 6th, Pupil Services will showcase our SEL and wraparound supports during the Board of Education meeting.
The May issue of the West Haven Public Schools Newsletter is now available! Click the link to see what’s happening across the district, as well as what’s to come this month!
'How a CT school district is teaching students to make good decisions' – NBC Connecticut.
Seth Haley Elementary School recently hosted an Art Show, in which art teacher Christina Colon hung up at least one artwork from each student in the school (pre-K through 4th grade)! Check out some of the incredible work by our talented students!
Parents/Guardians, please see the information below regarding Summer Reading Skills Programs.
Mayor Dorinda Borer and Dr. Kelsey E. Fisher visited Seth Haley Elementary School today to speak to the entire 3rd-grade class about bees, in celebration of Earth Day! Dr. Fisher is an Assistant Agricultural Scientist II at the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station of the Department of Entomology. Our students learned all about bees, while also showing off their incredible knowledge! At the end of the presentation, Mayor Borer passed around seeds for the students to bring home and plant. Thank you Mayor Borer and Dr. Fisher for visiting our students!
Mayor Dorinda Borer and Dr. Kelsey E. Fisher visited Seth Haley Elementary School today to speak to the entire 3rd-grade class about bees, in celebration of Earth Day! Dr. Fisher is an Assistant Agricultural Scientist II at the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station of the Department of Entomology. Our students learned all about bees, while also showing off their incredible knowledge! At the end of the presentation, Mayor Borer passed around seeds for the students to bring home and plant. Thank you Mayor Borer and Dr. Fisher for visiting our students!
West Haven Parents/Guardians, please see the flyer below regarding an event this Wednesday.
Last night, Seth Haley hosted a Math / Literacy Night for our families! Check out some photos from this excellent event.
#westhavenpublicschools #whps #westhavenct
REMINDER | There will be no school next week, April 15 - April 19. We hope everyone enjoys their break!
Seth Haley 3rd graders participated in an ELA and Math Carnival today to prepare for the upcoming Smarter Balanced state assessment! The students had a blast during this great rainy-day activity as they practiced their concepts and skills while playing some cool games. The carnival ended with cotton candy, popcorn, and juice boxes for all!
Today’s Then & Now #TBT post is a special one, as we feature the Morrell family – Joe, Jackie, Jocey, and Jolie! Click here ➡️
Room 11 at Seth Haley celebrating National Healthy Schools Day!
REMINDER | Wednesday, April 10, 2024, will be a half-day session for students due to Staff Development.
REMINDER | Wednesday, April 10, 2024, will be a half-day session for students due to Staff Development.
Fourth graders from Seth Haley Elementary School visited West Haven High School today! Students watched a movie in the lecture hall and had lunch in the café with their high school hosts. It was a great opportunity for the students to see the new high school and connect with some older role models!
This week, the West Haven High School Theatre Workshop will perform the Broadway musical Newsies, with 4 shows starting Thursday, April 4th. Click the link to view dates and times, and to purchase tickets.
West Haven High School will host its Annual Fine Arts Showcase on May 9th from 5 - 7 pm in the lobby! See the flyer below for more information.
Today is Paraprofessional Appreciation Day. We thank all of our paras for their dedication to helping our students grow and thrive. Our Paraprofessionals do so much to support our students throughout the district and we know that being a para is HEART work!
West Haven Youth & Family Services and West Haven Parks & Recreation are teaming up to offer some fun engaging activities for the youth of West Haven! Please see the flyers below for information.